Thursday 26 May 2011

Five most awesome people in my life.

1. Akshay Merla,
             You were the BEST man I've ever met.I'd  probably never meet a man like you. You're THAT special.
You make me feel that there is always someone who CARES for me no matter what and thats YOU! AKSHAY MERLA you're THE MAN,truly and completely!I've know you since the fourth grade and you were never a BURDEN for me,neither were your DEEDS nor your SECRETS!Keeping your secrets as secrets was the best part,it was always FUN!They had so much drama in them.
Back in the 7th grade.
           What actually wonders me is that how I treat you is totally different from how I treat the rest of our friends.You must be feeling the same way.Ain't I right?You're different from the rest,I can never judge you,nor feel agitated about anything you do or say!You're simply perfect!
Through betrayal and debate,for you I will always have FAITH!I would never say NO to you.You're a BROTHER for LIFE.
Thank-You for all your friendship and brotherhood.You were always there for me no matter what,might they be rough times or happy times!
Do GREAT in life brother,you'll always have my support. Or am I writing to a DOCTOR?;)
 Cheers mate! Brothers for life!You are "THE MAN".


CRAZY times.

                                                                                     -your LAUKI.

Look at the STAR!
2.Aishwarya Nagula,
                        I've never seen a girl like you.A girl so FUN-FILLED,a girl so DIFFERENT,a girl so ATTACHED,a girl so SPONTANEOUS,a girls so HUMOROUS.I always felt PROTECTIVE for you,infact I never felt so protective for any other girl in this world.You are perfect the way you are.
Just don't change.
                       You've always showed care for me,showed sister love,showed friendship.Having you in my life makes me content and pleased!You probably have the best sense of humor out all people I know.Your caption for your Display-Picture after our results MOVED me.No one,till date has told me that.That was real SWEET of you.When you needed someone's condolence at the same point,you came to condole me.Girl you've got a heart!You might be one of the RAREST best-friends ever!
                        I've never got bored of you till today and I newer will.I'm lucky to have a sister like you in my life.I'm never gonna lose you no matter what.
                       Having you in my life feels like I've been given a gift that millions have dreamed of!You are a STAR!May this bond live forever and bring brighter memories in this journey of life,sister!
                      Keep smiling,do FABULOUS in life,become what all you dream to become and PROMISE me that you won't forget me!:)
                                                                                                                             -Your ANNA.

Brother love.

3.Rishiitosh Singh Gill,
                       You are the most AMAZING guy i have ever met.Not having you in my life would definitely be different.My life wouldn't probably be so much fun.It'd be as SOBER as any others.
                       When you were around,it was never boring!It was always FUN.You were THAT funny.Sardar,in our friendship there were fights,and I thank you for being very patient with me and din't let this bond break!I thank you for being reasonable and practical.At all those times I yelled at you cause I care for you,nothing else.I've never had hard-feeling for you brother,never!
                       In these last 5 years we had our CRAZIEST times!And I remember each and every moment in these past years.Thanks to you,who made this all possible!
                        Our sleepovers are the CRAZZIEST and i'm sure the FUNNIEST!Your spontaneous jokes are so freaking funny,I always laugh my ass out on them.I've never heard jokes lathat and probably would also!And my HAIR jokes you're the BEST at it.It makes me also laugh even if its insulting me!What I actually think is that, you should become a Comedian.This role suits you the BEST!You can easily be the next Charlie or the next Barney or infact way more better than them,the next SALEEM.And your dance,it's HILARIOUS.It's awesome,crazy etc.
                       All I wanna tell is that your special and we need you in our lives!Don't you even think of forgetting us,the whole gang,or else you'll get your ASS-KICKED!

                                                                                            -Your "Lauki ka juice"

4.Zubair Syed,
The only picture of us.9th grade!
                    Your the most WEIRDLY-CRAZY person I've met so far.Four years with you was BAD-ASS FUN!Your jokes are the CRAZIEST,better than Rishi's.
                     Even though we fought twice or thrice,it doesn't matter cause they din't even last for an hour.But know what is the craziest part in there four years?It's our computer class!What fun we had re?Teasing Anuradha,Saleema,Bhavesh ,beating up Bharat in front of the whole class,you beating the GIANT Ibrahim and I protecting you from him.These memories, when ever they strike my mind I laugh my ass out to the fullest.You surely were a never forgetting memory in my life.And now that you are not close to us and you live way far away from me,I miss you.I miss all that fun. I still remember the Bhavesh-Piss-story you narrated to us.That was INSANE,out-of-the-world shit.
                  Thanks for being a part of my life brother,thanks for being there for me.Don't think that no one misses you,we all do miss you a lot.And if you miss us so much,then get your ass back home atleast every year.LOVE ya homie.

Khanna Saab.
5.Akshit Khanna,
                You were my bench mate since the 5th grade and I'm not tired of you till date.You were sensitive,protective and calculated.You were fun in a different way.Your sudden josh is the BEST!What a spontaneous person you are!
               There were times when things were not going well between us, but i seriously don't mind and never cared about them.Thank you for being kind and not letting our bond break.We told things to each other which we were not supposed to but all those things don't stand in front of the brotherhood you've showed me.Thanks for all that.
                People get to choose their own preferences in life,their own priorities.And if you choose someone(you know who) over me,that perfectly alright,cause five of you guys will always be my best preference and will always be my priority.
               Have a great life ahead brother.FTW.And you will always be the POSHEST person I know!CHEERS
                                                                                         -Your MAMA!

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwww! This is superrr sweet. I mean, REALLY? These things are some of the best things anyone has ever said to me! Cheers to you brother. I will never lose you either! You're like a super close friend now.
    But still, stalker. ;) JOKEEEEE. Don't feel off again. :)
    Thanks for making me feel special.
    Anna, you rock. :D
    This is AWESOME. :)
